Monday, September 30, 2024


Mahdi criticizes Maliki’s call for conducting early elections

 Mahdi criticizes Maliki’s call for conducting early elections

Mahdi criticizes Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Ruz Mahdi, of the Kurdistani Democratic Party, headed by the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, described the calls for conducting early parliamentary elections as “A trespass for the red lines.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Personally, I think these calls as negative indicators in this stage.”

“When some political sides called to investigate the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, or to withdrawing confidence from him, it is not acceptable to hear calls for dissolving the parliament or to conduct early elections,” he added.

“The calls for conducting political and administrative reformations are positive,” he assured.

“If Maliki becomes unable to do his duties as the first executive official, he shall resign to give the others a chance,” he concluded.

Earlier, Maliki’s office issued a statement stressing that “Maliki will be forced to call for early elections if the political blocs reject resorting to the dialogue.”