Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Khuzayi confirms eliminating political crisis

 Khuzayi confirms eliminating political crisis

Khuzayi confirms eliminating political crisis

Baghdad ( The Vice-President, Khudair al-Khuzayi, confirmed during his meeting with a US delegation that “The political crisis has been eliminated and we will work on conducting the reforms to avoid such crises.”

A statement by Khuzayi’s office cited “Khuzayi received the US charge d’affaires and the accompanied delegation,” noting that “He confirmed that the reforms starts with frankness and reconciliation in addition to consolidating the relations among the political figures.”

“Khuzayi clarifies that he will work on eliminating the disputes among the political sides through the constitution,” the statement added.

“Both sides discussed the political issues and the impediments that hurdle the reforms,” the statement assured.

“The US charge d’affaires confirmed that the United State of America is looking for cooperation among the various Iraqi sides, appreciating the role of the President, Jalal Talabani, in settling the disputes,” the statement concluded.