Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Kurdistan Region to export natural gas directly to Turkey in 2 coming years

 Kurdistan Region to export natural gas directly to Turkey in 2 coming years

Arbil (IraqiNews.com) Kurdistan Regional Government announced that it will export the natural gas directly to Turkey in the coming two years. A statement by Media Office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan quoted the Minister of Natural Resources in Kurdistan Region Aashti Horami as saying during Caspian Gas Forum held in Istanbul, on Wednesday “Kurdistan Region intends to start exporting natural gas directly to Turkey during the next two years.” He added “The Government of Kurdistan Region will continue selling the natural gas and oil even in case of failing to reach an agreement with Baghdad.” Horami continued saying “We are planning to sell 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Turkey and later to Europe in the long term.” Kurdistan Regional Government and Baghdad Government disputed for several years over many issues most notably the issue of legitimacy of oil contracts concluded by Kurdistan RegionG.