Sunday, September 22, 2024


Safi criticizes bad services at border inlets

 Safi criticizes bad services at border inlets

Safi criticizes bad services at border inlets

Karbala ( The representative of the Religious Authority in Karbala province Ahmed al-Safi called to form a special authority to organize the religious events in Karbala province.

Safi said in his speech from the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (May peace be upon him) “We would like to appreciate the efforts of all the officials who were responsible for organizing the rituals of the Shaban Pilgrimage,” noting that “In every similar event there is a repeated problem represented by transporting the pilgrims back to their provinces which requires forming a special administration with wide authorities to organize these events.”
He called the Iraqi officials to consider this suggestion seriously.

He also criticized the bad services and corruption existing in land ports with neighboring countries which give a bad impression about Iraq, calling the officials to “study this case and develop the Iraqi land terminals to take care of visitors of Iraq.”

Al-Safi also mentioned the claims of Daquq district’s residents from Kirkuk province who suffer from losing their family members who work as taxi drivers on the hand of certain terrorist groups when they are hired to go to a certain area in the Iraqi Capital, Baghdad.

He urged the security forces to take a quick action to “treat this problem and return the dead bodies to their families.”