Monday, September 30, 2024


Sayhoud calls to investigate Allawi for not attending parliament sessions

 Sayhoud calls to investigate Allawi for not attending parliament sessions

Sayhoud calls to investigate Allawi for not attending parliament sessions

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed al-Sayhoud, of the State of Law Coalition called “To investigate the head of the Iraqiya Slate, Ayad Allawi,” noting that “As a member of parliament, Allawi did not attend the parliament sessions but one.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The issue of investigating or withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, has been concluded and the political process heads towards the political reforms.”

“Allawi should be investigated for supporting regional plots and hurdling the political process and for not attending the parliament sessions except one session during which he defended the corrupted figures within the Independent High Electoral Commission,” he concluded.