Saturday, September 28, 2024


Eliwi expects difficulties to face Reforms Document of INA

 Eliwi expects difficulties to face Reforms Document of INA

Eliwi expects difficulties to face Reforms Document of INA

Baghdad ( MP Karim Eliwi of the Iraqi National Alliance expected that the “document of reforms prepared by the INA to face objections and difficulties from some blocs due to disputes on the political arena.”

Speaking to Iraqi News, he said Monday “The Political reforms Committee formed by the Iraqi National Alliance face huge difficulties since the Kurdistani Alliance, Iraqiya Slate and the Ahrar Bloc have the intention to withdraw confidence from Premier Maliki,” noting that “Later, the Ahrar Bloc withdrew from this project which caused embarrassment for the KA and the IS which attempt now to reconsider their stances in order to reach the parliament and investigate PM Maliki.”

“We hope that reconciliation among blocs can bring satisfaction for all blocs since the political leaders are conducting mutual meetings as well as other meetings among the different blocs to discuss the mechanisms of the Reforms Committee,” he added, stressing that “A meeting will be held among the blocs to discuss all political proposals after reaching a convergence state and a primary agreement over certain cases among all the blocs.”

“We face many bending files such as those files between the Iraqiya Slate and the Iraqi national Alliance in addition to Erbil Agreement file while the Kurdish side demand to discuss the article 140 of the Constitution and the Oil and Gas Law as well as other files that the Reforms Committee attempt to eliminate in order to reach the phase of holding the National Meeting,” MP Eliwi concluded.