Monday, September 30, 2024


IS confirms continuity of procedures to investigate Maliki

 IS confirms continuity of procedures to investigate Maliki

IS confirms continuity of procedures to investigate Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Mohammed Iqbal, of the Wasat Alliance within the Iraqiya Slate confirmed that “The procedures of investigating the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki continue.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The committee formed to investigate Maliki has completed all the investigation files and the reason behind the delay in preparing those files was the discussion of the Reforms Proposal submitted by the Iraqi National Alliance.”

He assured that “The investigation will not affect the reforms because it is a part of them where there are some defects in the political process that need to be fixed.”

“The next week or the week that follows it might be the time to submit the investigation request to the parliament chairmanship,” he concluded.