Monday, September 30, 2024


Ajaili calls Maliki to interfere to expedite settling prisoners’ applications

Baghdad ( The leader within the Iraqiya Slate, Abd Thiyab al-Ajaili, called the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to personally interfere to complete the applications of the prisoners and releases the not guilty ones.

In a press statement on Sunday, he said “There are many innocent prisoners in the prisons,” noting that “We support the law and it should be applied in dealing with the prisoners where we call to expedite holding the trials in order to release those who are not guilty.”

“There are many innocents in the prisons whose trials are postponed several years ago,” wondering about the reason behind “Postponing the trials where they had to be done or postponed for a specific time.”

“The justice states to release the not guilty people and apply the rule of the detainee is innocent till being approved guilty not vice- verse,” he concluded.