Monday, September 30, 2024


MP: Parliament demands clarification for Maliki’s request to appear in parliament

 MP: Parliament demands clarification for Maliki’s request to appear in parliament

MP: Parliament demands clarification for Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Hameed Kassar al-Zawbae, of the Iraqiya Slate stressed that “The Legal Department within the parliament asked the Premier Maliki to clarify the reasons behind his request to be hosted by the parliament.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Legal Dept. asked Maliki to show the priorities and the necessity behind his request.”

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, revealed that he requested “The parliament to host him to speak about the violations committed against the political regime.”

A statement by Maliki’s office received by Iraqi News ( quoted him as saying “The adherence to the constitution is the only way to settle any crisis that faces the country,” noting that “Investigating any official has to be preceded by neutrality in dealing with the constitution.”