Monday, September 30, 2024


MP urges parliament Chairmanship to respond to Maliki request to be hosted in parliament

 MP urges parliament Chairmanship to respond to Maliki request to be hosted in parliament

MP urges parliament Chairmanship to respond to Maliki request to be hosted in parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Abdul Salam al-Maliki, called “The parliament Chairmanship to respond to the request submitted by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to be hosted in the parliament.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Maliki’s request is constitutional and it has patriotic dimensions,” noting that “Iraqis have the right to realize the problems that hurdle the political process.”

“There is not justifications for delaying this request,” he added.

“The political process needs starting a direct dialogue between the legislative and the executive authorities to find solutions for the disputes,” he stressed.

He called “The parliament Chairmanship to speed up the preparations for hosting Maliki in Tuesday session,” he concluded.