Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki approve to hire former Army officer in Maysan

Maysan, Amara ( The Iraqi Army Tenth Division started receiving the officers of the former regime who are willing to join the Iraqi Army again.

The Commander of the Iraqi Army (38) Brigade, Major General, Abdul Amir Abdullah, stated to on Thursday that ”Based on the instruction of the Prime Ministers, The Commanding General Nouri al-Maliki, many centers were opened to receive the officers of the former Iraqi Army who want to join the Iraqi Army again similar to the other provinces.”

He pointed out that ”The IA Tenth Division opened many centers to receive the officers,” noting that “Some of these centers are in Amara city while other centers were opened in the districts and neighborhoods of Maysan province.”

The Prime Minister has instructed the officers of the former regime, who were of lieutenant colonel ranks and below, to join the Army again in Kirkuk, Nineveh, Salah-il-Din, Diyala and Anbar provinces.

The White Bloc announced that the Prime Minister and Commanding General of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki has approved to return the former Iraqi Army officers, from Diwaniyah and Wassit provinces, to the military service within the Iraqi Army.

The resolution of the Premier caused diverse stances among the political blocs since the Kurdistani Alliance demanded to check the compliance of these officers with the law of (Debaathification) before having them back in service.