Saturday, September 21, 2024


Diyala police launch campaign to combat IEDs

 Diyala police launch campaign to combat IEDs

Diyala police launch campaign to combat IEDs

Diyala, Baquba ( Diyala Operation Command implemented a campaign to combat the Improvised Explosive Devices in the province.

The Media Officer in Diyala Police Command, Ghalib Ateya, stated in press conference, which was held in the headquarter of the police department, attended by the correspondent of on Thursday that ”The police started implementing huge national campaign in Diyala province to combat IEDs,” noting that “The campaign included distributing (5000) booklets and posters to raise the awareness of the people about this dangerous enemy.”

He added that ”The campaign will contain television programs to make the people notice any strange object and inform about it immediately.” \