Sunday, October 6, 2024


Kurdish MP: We reject spending Billions to arm Iraqi Army by government

 Kurdish MP: We reject spending Billions to arm Iraqi Army by government

Kurdish MP: We reject spending Billions to arm Iraqi Army by government

Baghdad ( MP, Ruz Mahdi Khoshnaw, of the Kurdistani Alliance stated “The Federal government has a clear plan to spend Billions of USD to arm the Iraqi Army with weapons and planes where we need to spend those amounts to provide the services to the Iraqi people.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The constitution states that the Federal Government has to arm the Pishmirga elements the same as the Iraqi army,” noting that “The central government disavows this deal.”

“Not adherence to this deal by the government means the non adherence to the constitution,” he added, noting that “Kurdistan Region assures that this is a constitutional issue and the government has to apply the deals and adhere to the constitution.”