Monday, September 30, 2024


Saad criticizes postponing voting on Privatizing electricity sector to next session

 Saad criticizes postponing voting on Privatizing electricity sector to next session

Saad criticizes postponing voting on Privatizing electricity sector to next session

Baghdad ( Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee Suzan al-Saad criticized the decision of the Parliament to postpone the vote on the project of investment in the electricity sector till next session. Saad confirmed that “The law draft submitted by the Oil Committee was scheduled to be voted on in the last session of the Parliament,” noting that “The law draft suggests displaying the electricity sector to the investment field as well as providing the necessary facilitations in this regard for the foreign companies besides giving the provinces the required authorities to facilitate granting investment licenses concerning this domain.” It is worth to mention that the member of the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee Odai al-Awadi announced that the next session of the Parliament will witness voting on the proposal of privatizing the electricity sector.