Friday, September 20, 2024


New security plan in Maysan on Ramadan’s occasion

Maysan, Amara ( The Police Department of Maysan province announced preparing special security plan for the holy month of Ramadan.

A statement issued by Maysan Governorate to cited that ”The Commander of Maysan Police Department Major General Ali Ghazi al-Hashimi confirmed that his Directorate, in coordination and cooperation with the Command of the Iraqi Army Tenth Division, has developed wide security plan for the holy month of Ramadan.”

Al-Hashimi reported in statement during his meeting with Commanders of the Police Departments in Maysan province that ”The new security plan included focusing control on the entrances and exits of the city and providing protection to the general highway which connects Baghdad with Maysan and Basra as well as activating the inspection operations for both persons and vehicles.”

The statement added that ”The security plan also included activating the security performance inside the popular centers in the city, such as public places, parks, markets, by deploying police forces in additional to providing protection for the mosques and religious shrines during Ramadan.”

The Commander called ”All the people of the province to cooperate with the security bodies to succeed the rituals of the Ramadan and providing security and peace for all.”