Sunday, September 22, 2024


MoE: Salaries consume huge sums of Ministry’s allocations since 2003

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Electricity announced that $ 16 billion of the total $ 37 billion allocated to the Ministry of Electricity since 2003, were spent on salaries and wages. The Spokesperson of the Ministry, Musab al-Mudaris clarified “Half of the budgets allocated to the Ministry of Electricity since 2003 up to the present day which amounted upto (37) billion dollars, were distributed into two budgets, Operational and Investment.” He said that “The Operational Budget that is $ (16) billion was spent as salaries and wages of workers in the General Directorates of the Ministry and its projects spread across the country.” “As for the Investment budget which is $ 21 billion, we have 7 billion currently reserved at the Development Fund of Iraq in Washington for bank guarantees to companies which have already signed contracts with our ministry,” The Spokesperson assured. He concluded by confirming that “The remaining of the investment budget which is $ (14) billion was spent on contracts concluded by the ministry for the implementation of its different projects.”