Monday, September 30, 2024


White bloc holds Maliki’s opponents responsibility of Monday bombings

 White bloc holds Maliki’s opponents responsibility of Monday bombings

White bloc holds Maliki\

Baghdad ( The White bloc held the sides that have adopted the project of withdrawing confidence from the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, responsible for the bombings that took place on Monday.

The Secretary General of the bloc, Jamal al-Batiekh stated in a press statement “The explosions that took place in Baghdad and other provinces on Monday show that there are foreign agendas aim to damage Iraq and the political process because they are worried from stable Iraq.”

“We call the political sides to settle the disputes and adhere to the national benefit rather than the personal ones,” he concluded.

Earlier, some areas of Baghdad and other provinces have witnessed several bombings that resulted in killing and injuring many of the citizens.