Saturday, September 21, 2024


Justice Minister orders to open all prisons to Human Rights Committees

 Justice Minister orders to open all prisons to Human Rights Committees

Justice Minister orders to open all prisons to Human Rights Committees

Baghdad ( The Justice Minister, Hassan al-Shimmari, instructed to allow access for the Committees of the Human Rights of the United Nation into all the prisons in Iraq in order to make the public be acquainted with its neutral reports and follow up the application of the international standards in the Iraqi prisons.

While meeting the head of the delegation of the Human Rights to Iraq, Francisco Mota, Shimmari called “The Committees to resume their visits to the prisons and prepare their reports in order to be submitted to the UN in addition to presenting a copy of those reports to the Ministry.”

He stressed the necessity of “Diagnosing the negative points in order to set the suitable solutions for them,” assuring that “The Committee has to respond to some unofficial organizations.”

“The official reports made by the British and US Foreign Ministries, the Red Crescent Delegation and the Arab League Delegations were positive and denied the claims that the Ministry is violating the human rights,” he pointed out.

“The cooperation of the UN by visiting the prisons will help the Ministry to evaluate it performance by following the international standards that would result in having an objective evaluation,” he concluded.