Friday, September 27, 2024


Muhamadi calls Anbar, Nineveh citizens to assist Syrian immigrants

 Muhamadi calls Anbar, Nineveh citizens to assist Syrian immigrants

Muhamadi calls Anbar, Nineveh citizens to assist Syrian immigrants

Baghdad ( MP, Waleed Aboud al-Muhamadi, of the Wasat Alliance called “The citizens of Anbar and Nineveh provinces to show the Iraqis’ bright image through their assistance for the Syrian refugees.”

He stated to “The capacities of Anbar and Nineveh provinces will be enough to help the Syrian refugees who escape the violence,” noting that “The Stat capacities will not be needed.”

“It is a very simple effort that we can present to the Syrian people because Iraqis get used on helping other regional countries during the distresses,” he added, stressing that “A lot of the citizens of Anbar and Nineveh provinces expressed their readiness to host the Syrian immigrants in their houses.”

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, instructed the Iraqi Army and the Police forces in addition to the Red Crescent to receive the Syrian refugees and help them.