Saturday, September 28, 2024


Inter Milan to inaugurate Sports Academy in Erbil

 Inter Milan to inaugurate Sports Academy in Erbil

Inter Milan to inaugurate Sports Academy in Erbil

Erbil ( The Football Association of Kurdistan Region reached an agreement with the Italian Inter Milan FC over inaugurating a sports Academy for the Italian Club in Erbil province soon.

The secretary of Kurdistan Regional Football Association Salam Hussein stated to on Wednesday “The head of Kurdistan Football Association Safin Kanbi, who is visiting Italy now, agreed with the Technical Manager of Inter Milan Academies Marko Angelo, who has visited Erbil city last week, to inaugurate the Sports Academy for the team in Erbil.”

“All procedures for inaugurating the Academy have been concluded with the administration of the Italian Team which will send a list for requirements that would be provided in cooperation with the Kurdistan Regional Government,” he added.

“Inaugurating this academy will participate in developing the level of football game in Kurdistan region and Iraq through creating gifted stars in the near future,” Hussein concluded.