Saturday, September 21, 2024


Terrorist cell captured in Diyala

 Terrorist cell captured in Diyala

Terrorist cell captured in Diyala

Diyala, Baquba ( The police Command of Diyala province announced arresting the terrorist cell which is responsible for the blasts which took place in several areas of the province and resulted in killing and injuring dozens of innocent people on last Monday.

The Media Director of Diyala Police Command Lieutenant Colonel Ghaleb Ateah stated to on Wednesday that ”A police force arrested five persons who were intending to emplace an Improvised Explosive Device on a roadside in Jalawla area of northern Baquba the capital of Diyala province.”

He added that ”The detainees admitted under investigation being involved in planning and implementing the explosions of last Monday,” noting that “The police confiscated silenced weapons, IEDs, AEDs light and medium weapons hich were on the possession of the detainees.”

Diyala province witnessed, on last Monday, a series of explosions caused by car bombs, armed attacks and IEDs resulted in killing and injured dozens of victims. \