Sunday, September 22, 2024


IS discuss laws presented for vote in parliament

 IS discuss laws presented for vote in parliament

IS discuss laws presented for vote in parliament

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate discussed the laws that will be presented for a vote in the parliament including the supplementary budget law, the general amnesty law, and the amendment of the Provincial Councils elections law during its meeting which was held on last Thursday.

A statement by the IS received by cited “The political bureau of the IS held a meeting headed by MP, Sheikh Adnan al-Janabi, on Thursday morning, with the attendance of the representatives of the blocs within the IS.”

The statement added “The meeting tackled the case of the judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi, and the case of the Deputy Premier, Salih al-Mutleg, in addition to the issue of the random arrests for the innocent citizens.”

“The attendants of the meeting stressed conducting effective procedures to bring the Iraqi refugees in Syria back to Iraq and to provide a safe shelter for the Syrian refugees,” the statement continued.

“They also discussed the requirements of investigating the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki,” the statement concluded.