Friday, September 20, 2024


Peshmerga warns IA from approaching disputed areas

 Peshmerga warns IA from approaching disputed areas

Peshmerga warns IA from approaching disputed areas

Baghdad ( The Peshmerga Ministry of Kurdistan Regional Government warned the Iraqi Army Forces, which were deployed by the Federal Government on the border areas between Iraq and Syria, from trying to approach the areas (Asheilh, Roh and Cairo village) within Zemary district which is considered among the disputed areas of Kurdistan Region.

The Ministry mentioned in press statement that ”Considering the current circumstances in Syria in general and particular in the border areas between Iraq and Syria, the Federal Government has deployed its forces, on alert condition, on the border area along from Mosul city till Ramadi city,” noting that “The Government brought some forces from the middle of Iraq to Mosul city.”

“The IA forces attempted to approach some disputed areas but the Peshmerga units warned the IA units from going further to avoid any possible clashes between the IA and Peshmerga elements,” the statement stressed.

The statement pointed out that ”Every one should feel responsible towards protecting the area from any breaches,” stressing that ”The Peshmerga forces plus the forces of the Defense Ministry within the Federal Government will form national defense system for the Federal State of Iraq.”

The general relations between the Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government witness high tensions due to political differences and constitutional disputes as well as