Sunday, September 22, 2024


Hurra Bloc calls to cancel Article 40 from 2012 budget law

 Hurra Bloc calls to cancel Article 40 from 2012 budget law

Hurra Bloc calls to cancel Article 40 from 2012 budget law

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Hurra bloc called the MPs to participate in cancelling the Article 40 from the 2012 budget law which canceled the retirement salaries of members of the Municipal Councils. The IHB clarified in a statement that “We have collected the signatures of dozens of MPS to support our attempts to cancel the Article 40 from the budget of 2012, and now we invite all MPs to participate in amending or canceling this article in the next Parliament session of Monday.” “Many members from the Municiapl Councils have appealed us to discuss this issue in the Parliament in order to lift the injustice on them and treat them fairly,” the statement concluded.