Sunday, October 6, 2024


IS MP rules out settling political crisis soon

 IS MP rules out settling political crisis soon

IS MP rules out settling political crisis soon

Baghdad ( MP Hamza al-Gartani of the Iraqiya Slate ruled out finding solutions for the political crisis soon “which would be adopted by the State of Law coalition,” noting that “The IS persists on investigating the Premier Maliki unless the political reforms paper succeeds in settling the current crisis.” Gartani said to “The Iraqiya Slate believes that the document of the political reforms proposed by the SLC is not earnest in settling the pending issues,” stressing that “If these reforms are not specified by time limit, we will proceed in our request to interrogate the Prime Minister.” “If the reforms paper included considerable and radical reforms, at that time we will reconsider the issue of investigating Maliki not only by the IS but also by all the political partners including the Kurds and the Sadrists,” he assured.