Sunday, October 6, 2024


Kurdish MP describes sending Federal troops to Kurdistan Region as provocative

 Kurdish MP describes sending Federal troops to Kurdistan Region as provocative

Kurdish MP describes sending Federal troops to Kurdistan Region as "provocative"

Baghdad ( MP Rose Mahdi of the Kurdistani Democratic Party, headed by Masoud Barzani, described the behavior of the Federal Government of deploying Iraqi Army troops in the disputed border areas in Kurdistan Region as “Provocative step.” Mahdi said that “We are not surprised by this step by the Central Government which has used to create crises and distracts the citizens’ intentions,” assuring that “Sending combat troops to disputed areas without coordination with Kurdistan Regional Government is certainly a provocative behavior regardless any justifications and we think it is unjustifiable procedure as these areas are safe and stable.” “This act is an attempt to impose control and to create new crises,” he stressed. It is worth to mention that the Office of the Commander General of the Armed Forces has announced, on Friday, the deployment of federal troops at the borders with Syria to prevent negative repercussions of the current events in Syria on the security situation in Iraq, denying the reports that “This step targets the Region.” The Office added that “Maintaining the sovereignty of the country and the border protection is the exclusive responsibility of the Federal Government rather than the prerogative of the Region or loca governments.”