Sunday, September 22, 2024


MPs submit suggestion over canceling Article 40 of 2012 budget

 MPs submit suggestion over canceling Article 40 of 2012 budget

MPs submit suggestion over canceling Article 40 of 2012 budget

Baghdad ( Some of the MPs have submitted a suggestion over the cancellation of Article (40) of 2012 budget law.

MP, Mutashar al-Samarrai, of the Iraqiya Slate said in a press statement “Article (40) was included to stop paying the salaries of the members of the local councils without including this article in the budget when it was submitted to the Council of Ministers when the budget was endorsed, the article resulted in preventing many members from receiving their salaries for their services since 2003.”

“Some MPs submitted a request to the parliament to re-consider this article and endorse a law draft to cancel voting on this article,” he added.

Samarrai assured that “We will amend the budget law in order to preserve the rights of the local councils’ members.”