Saturday, September 21, 2024


Police forces detonates car bomb in Baquba

 Police forces detonates car bomb in Baquba

Police forces detonates car bomb in Baquba

Diyala, Baquba ( The police Command of Diyala province announced detonating a car bomb which was driven by a suicide bomber while he was trying to smuggle it into Baquba city.

The Media Director of Diyala Police Department Colonel, Ghaleb Ateya, stated to on Monday that ”The police forces detonated the car bomb of the suicide bomber during exchanging gunshots with the suicide bomber after surrounding him in Um Krafis area (1 KM) to the north of Baquba city the capital of Diyala province.”

The source added that ”The detonation of the car bomb resulted in killing the suicide bomber who was inside the car bomb only.” \