Sunday, September 29, 2024


Hamoudi: parliament to endorse crucial law drafts

 Hamoudi: parliament to endorse crucial law drafts

Hamoudi: parliament to endorse crucial law drafts

Baghdad ( The head of the Parliamentary Committee for the Foreign Affairs, Humam Hamoudi, stated that he has suggested in the last term of the parliament to form a committee for following up the pending law drafts in order to do them and submit them to the parliament.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The parliament is going to vote on some crucial law drafts that provide warranties to the democratic project such as the Federal Court law draft.”

“Forming a new Independent High Electoral Commission law draft will also be endorsed by the parliament in order to have an independent and incorrupt commission,” he added, noting that “Some other law drafts that are important will also be endorsed such as the Oil and Gas law draft.”

“If the parliament agreed during its last term on my suggestion, we would not witness the current crises,” he concluded.