Sunday, October 6, 2024


Kurdish MP calls political sides to show respect for religious authorities

 Kurdish MP calls political sides to show respect for religious authorities

Kurdish MP calls political sides to show respect for religious authorities

Baghdad ( The member of the Kurdistani Alliance, Ruz Mahdi Khushnaw, called “The political sides to show respect for the religious authorities and intellectual figures.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Iraqi internal situation has enough problems among the blocs on all levels so we do not need more disputes over new issues.”

“We, as blocs of various communities, should respect the symbols of each others to improve our situation,” he stressed.

Earlier, MP Ahmed al-Alwani of the Iraqiya Slate has described in a television program the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah as “liar” and praised Princess, Moza, the wife of the Qatari Emir.