Saturday, September 28, 2024


Dori considers Davutoglu’s visit as Obvious interference in Iraqi affairs

 Dori considers Davutoglu’s visit as Obvious interference in Iraqi affairs

Dori considers Davutoglu\

Baghdad ( The leader within al-Hal bloc of the Iraqiya Slate considered that “The visit of the Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, to Kurdistan Region and Kirkuk as an obvious interference in the Iraqi internal affairs.”

She held “The politicians responsible of these interferences due to the disputes and the political problems which weakened the State and opened the doors for all sides to interfere in the Iraqi Affairs.”

“The politicians have to speed up holding the dialogues and to implement the former agreements especially Erbil Agreement in addition to avoiding the medial tensed statements,” she added.

“Article 110 of the constitution limits the authorities of the foreign policies involving the foreign officials’ visits to the Federal Government in Baghdad,” she concluded.

Earlier, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu has arrived in Kirkuk after visiting Erbil.

Davutoglu has arrived to Kurdistan Region on last Wednesday where the Premier of Kurdistan Region, Nijirvan Barzani, has received him in Erbil airport.

The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the visit and considered it as a violation for Iraq’s sovereignty.