Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP urges Arab League to condemn Turkish violation for Iraq’s sovereignty

 MP urges Arab League to condemn Turkish violation for Iraq’s sovereignty

MP urges Arab League to condemn Turkish violation for Iraq\

Baghdad ( MP, Abdul Salam al-Maliki, of the State of Law Coalition urged “The Arab League to take clear stance and to condemn the Turkish violations for Iraq’s sovereignty and violating its constitution.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, to Kirkuk province protected by Kurdish gaurds without notifying the Iraqi Foreign Ministry is violating Iraq’s sovereignty and constitution.”

“The Turkish stances towards Iraq started to have a negative direction that harms bilateral relations,” he added.

“It is necessary for the FM to have a clear stance concerning this provocative visit,” he stressed.

“We should know the real reasons for this unacceptable visit,” he continued.

“The Arab League should denounce this visit because it violates the sovereignty for a country that is considered among the countries established the AL,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, has arrived in Kirkuk after visiting Erbil.

Davutoglu has arrived to Kurdistan Region on last Wednesday where the Premier of Kurdistan Region, Nijirvan Barzani, has received him in Erbil airport.

The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the visit and considered it as a violation for Iraq’s sovereignty.