Monday, October 7, 2024


Kurdish MP: latest security breaches, evidence for Government’s failure in maintaining security

 Kurdish MP: latest security breaches, evidence for Government’s failure in maintaining  security

Kurdish MP: latest security breaches, evidence for Government\

Baghdad ( MP Sirwan Ahmed of the Kurdistani Alliance described the latest security breaches as “A proof for the Government’s failure in keeping the security.”

MP Ahmed said “The recent escalation in the security breaches and terrorist assaults that resulted in huge causalities is a clear evidence for the failure of the Government and security forces in providing the basic services for the citizens and stabilizing the security posture.”

“We demand the Parliament Chairmanship to summon the security leaders and include this issue in the agenda of the next sessions in order to clarify the reasons of those serious breaches especially that targeted the headquarter of the Anti-Terrorism Department in central Baghdad,” Ahmed added.

It is worth mentioning that Baghdad and a number of Iraqi provinces witnessed over the past weeks several security breaches through detonating car bombs and Improvised Explosive Devices resulted in killing and injuring dozens mostly civilians.

An official governmental statistics showed that last June was the bloodiest month since two years.