Friday, September 20, 2024


Al-Maliki orders to form Dhi-Qar Operations Command

Dhi-Qar, Nassiriya ( The Commanding General of Iraqi Armed Forces, Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has instructed to form “Dhi-Qar Operations Command in the province to assume supervising the security situation in the province.”

A source of the Security Committee in Dhi-Qar Provincial Council stated to that ”The Premier instructed to form Dhi-Qar Operations Command to assume the supervision on the coordination between the Iraqi police and Army forces in the province,” noting that “The Headquarters of the new Operations Command will be positioned at Imam Ali Military Air Base of northern Nassiriya.”

The source added that “The Premier also decided to appoint the General, Mudhy al-Dulaimi, as Commander for Dhi-Qar Operations Command.”