Saturday, September 21, 2024


Governmental plan to rehabilitate Highway 1

 Governmental plan to rehabilitate Highway 1

Governmental plan to rehabilitate Highway 1

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Housing and Construction plans to set up typical rest stations along the international road from Basra to the Jordanian borders.

The Minister of Housing and Construction Mohamed al-Daraji said in a press release issued by the ministry today that “The ministry plans to set typical rest stations for travelers along the international road from Basra to the Iraqi – Jordanian borders as part of the project of maintenance for Highway 1, which runs from Basra to the Iraqi borders with Jordan.”

He added that “The objective of the project is to provide rest places for citizens and eliminate their suffering as a result of long hours of travel, which extends to more than 7 hours,” stressing that “The international road links between Basra and the Iraqi-Jordanian border is missing the required services.”

He added that “A rest station will be located every 50 kilometers along the way and this step will activate the traffic movement to this international road,” considering that “The distance between the provinces is relatively long.”