Saturday, September 28, 2024


URGENT – Maliki heads meeting of Supreme Committee for Foreign Policies

 URGENT – Maliki heads meeting of Supreme Committee for Foreign Policies

URGENT...Maliki heads meeting of Supreme Committee for Foreign Policies

Baghdad ( The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, headed a meeting for the Supreme Committee for Foreign Policies in Baghdad on Wednesday.

Informed source stated to “Maliki headed the meeting that was attended by The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hoshyar Zebari, and the head of the Foreign Relations Committee in the parliament, Humam Hamoudi, the Consultant of the National Security, Falih al-Fayadh, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Oil, Abdul Kareem Liebi,” noting that “The meeting is devoted to discuss the latest political updates on the level of the Iraq foreign policies.”

The relations between Iraq and Turkey witnessed tensions recently on the background of the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmed Davutoglu, last visit to Kirkuk which is conducted without notifying the Iraq Government.

Davutoglu arrived to Kurdistan Region on last Wednesday where the Premier of Kurdistan Region, Nijirvan Barzani, has received him in Erbil airport.

The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the visit and considered it as a violation for Iraq’s sovereignty.