Sunday, September 29, 2024


Kinani: blocs agree to avoid media escalation

Baghdad ( MP, Amir al-Kinani, of the Ahrar bloc stressed that “The political blocs agreed upon avoiding media escalation and to resort to the constitutional means to settle the crisis.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Sadr Trend called the blocs since the early stages to submit the request to investigate the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, without media escalation,” noting that “The blocs did not conduct any procedure in this respect and did not submit the request to the parliament.”

“The blocs and the side that called for withdrawing confidence from Maliki did not started practically in the process of the investigation which was tackled in media only,” he mentioned.

“The Trend called the blocs to avoid tensions where the blocs within the Iraqi National Alliance agreed to neglect the media negative statements among them,” he concluded.

Earlier, Nijaifi announced that “The issue of investigating Maliki is suspended due to the efforts for conducting the political reforms.”