Sunday, September 29, 2024


Mutleg confirms “Disputes with Maliki over”

 Mutleg confirms “Disputes with Maliki over”

Mutleg confirms \"Disputes with Maliki over\"

Baghdad ( The Deputy Premier, also a leader within the Iraqiya Slate, Salih al-Mutleg, confirmed that his disputes with the Premier Nouri al-Maliki “are of the past now.”

During a press conference held for the occasion of releasing a leader within his bloc, Mutleg said to Thursday “The disputes between me and the Premier Maliki over prisoners issue, Justice and Accountability law, General Amnesty law and the Federal Court Law are over now since these law drafts will be endorsed soon.”

“Many sides, including me, believe that it is time to return to my post and assume my authorities because the country is endangered due to the regional troubles,” Deputy Premier Mutleg Mentioned.