Friday, September 20, 2024


MoHC inaugurate new roads in Mahmudiya

Baghdad ( The Minister of Housing and Construction, Mohamed Saheb al-Daraji, inaugurated the project of Mahmudiya (Road Maneuver) which is accomplished by the General Commission for Roads and Bridges within the Ministry of Transports at a cost of IQD (26) billion.

Al-Daraji mentioned in statement during the inauguration ceremony to that ”This project is considered one of the most important strategic projects which will present solutions to reduce the traffic jams which most of people, in Mahmudiya city, suffer from,” noting that “The streets of the city cannot bear this heavy traffic especially during the religious occasions.”

The statement added that ”This project will shorten the time which the citizens need to travel inside the city and helps the people who take the road of (Baghdad -Hilla) going to the Mid- Euphrates provinces and the southern provinces.”

He explained that ”The project comprises three parts, the first is two-way main road, the second part is constructing two bridges while the third part is creating cross roads to link the maneuver to the general highway of (Baghdad – Hilla).”