Sunday, September 22, 2024


RCS erects new station for potable water in Babel

Babel, Hilla ( The Red Crescent Society started establishing new station for pure drinkable water in central Hilla.

The representative of the Red Crescent Society in Babel province, Amir Kamel, mentioned to on Friday that ”The branch of Red Crescent Society in Babel province started establishing the station of potable water or to provide the people of Babel with 2000 L per hour,” noting that “The Governor of Babel, Mohamed al-Masudy, attended the station to supervise the project.”

He added that ”The water station will contain six tanks each on one can accommodate (6000 L) of water in Kawam area of central Hilla.”

Kamel pointed out that ”This station will be the fifth of its kind to be established by the Red Crescent Society.”