Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP criticizes weak role of Iraqi Foreign Ministry towards Syrian crisis

 MP criticizes weak role of Iraqi Foreign Ministry towards Syrian crisis

MP criticizes weak role of Iraqi Foreign Ministry towards Syrian crisis

Baghdad ( MP, Ala Talabani, of the Foreign Relations Parliamentary Committee criticized the Iraqi Foreign Affairs Ministry for not chairing the Arab and regional meetings on the latest developments in the region since Iraq is the head of the Arab League for a year.

MP Ala Talabani said to Iraqi News ( Sunday “We, as a foreign parliamentary relations committee discussed with the Foreign Ministry several issues related to Iraqi rights as the head of the Arab League for a year, yet, the Arab meetings are held in other countries and chaired by other countries and sometimes Iraq is not even invited to these meetings,” noting that “The answers of the FM were not clear.”

She added that “The Committee demanded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal strictly with this issue because these meetings are held exceptionally over Syria and Iraq is really effected by the developments of the Syrian crisis,” stressing that “The ministry was supposed to be the first to call for such meetings in Baghdad.”

She emphasized that “Internal political conflicts affect the role of Iraq in the Arab world but this is not the only reason, since the Syrian crisis represent a regional conflict among the nations involved in the fighting which keeps Iraq far away from giving effective initiatives on the crisis.”

It is scheduled for the Arab Foreign Ministers to hold a meeting in Jeddah city in the KSA that would be headed by Kuwait in order to unite the Arab stances towards the Syrian case before holding the Islamic States’ Summit called for by the KSA next Tuesday, where Iraq participates in the Summit as the Chairman of the Arab League.