Saturday, September 21, 2024


IIP criticizes MoI for not committing to promises

 IIP criticizes MoI for not committing to promises

IIP criticizes MoI for not committing to promises

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Islamic Party in Kirkuk province criticized the Ministry of Interior for not committing to its promises concerning appointing thousand of policemen on the staff in Kirkuk province with taking into account the contexts agreed upon by the Provincial Council.

IIP stated in a statement that “The repeated security breaches happen after short periods of calmness.”

“The war against terrorism was not over yet, and the crimes still affect the citizens and the security elements in addition to the steady increase in criminal operations such as murder, theft, and kidnapping,” the statement added.

IIP clarified that “We demand to treat the appointment file according to balance in the State’s institutions, especially the security one.”

“The appointment file should be managed by the local authorities as they are closer to the citizens and their sufferings especially in the disputed upon areas to be able to bridge the gap between the society communities and achieve the administrative balance after the great changes in the political balance scope,” the statement added.