Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani congratulates Barazani on occasion offounding KDP

 Talabani congratulates Barazani on occasion offounding KDP

Talabani congratulates Barazani on occasion offounding KDP

Arbil ( The President, Jalal Talabani, sent a congratulatory letter to the Head of the Kurdistani Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, on the occasion of the anniversary of founding the Party in which he confirmed the need to set modern plans to protect the political process and the democracy in Iraq.

A statement by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan quoted Talabani, as saying “Dear brother President Barzani, on the occasion of founding the ally KDP, I would like to present my warmest congratulations and blessings to you and to the Political Office, Peshmerga, the supporters of the KDP whishing further development and prosperity to the Party.”

“I would like to exploit this opportunity to congratulate you on occasion of your birthday which coincides with the anniversary of establishing the KDP,” the message added.