Friday, September 20, 2024


Former MP calls to replace Talabani for his health condition

 Former MP calls to replace Talabani for his health condition

Former MP calls to replace Talabani for his health condition

Baghdad ( The former MP and member of the Iraqi National Alliance, Wael Abdul Lateef, called to “Nominate a substitute for the President, Jalal Talabani, due to his health condition.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Due to Talabani’s continuous absence of his duties, a substitute must be nominated,” noting that “The substitute is not necessarily to be from the same community.”

“Constitutionally, Iraq is currently without a President where all the authorities are granted to the Vice President,” he added.

“Since 2003, most of the Iraqi politicians go abroad fro medical treatment,” he added.

It is worth mentioning that Talabani is in Germany since 3 months where underwent a surgical operation for his knee.