Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP demand to reconsider security plans in Diyala province

Baghdad ( MP, Ruqay al-Temimi, of Ahrar Bloc called “The Commanding General of the armed forces, Nouri al-Maliki, to reconsider the security strategy and the military plans as well as the intelligence policy in Diyala province.”

Temimi stated in press statement on Saturday that ”The last security deterioration reflected negatively on all life facilities which will also be reflected on the general performance and the only one who will be harmed is the citizen.”

She added that ”We can not remain silent towards all the security breaches which aim to erupt the sectarian sedition once again.”

She pointed out that ”We as MPs from this province which suffered and still suffering demand all security leaders within the office of the general commander of the armed forces and within the Ministries of Defense and Interior to develop plans and to reconsider the security system in the province.”