Friday, September 27, 2024


Harb: Suleiman’s statements over forgery elections proves committing crime

 Harb: Suleiman’s statements over forgery elections proves committing crime

Harb: Suleiman\

Baghdad ( The Legal Expert, Tariq Harb, stated “The statements of Amir of al-Dulaimi tribes, Ali Hatam Suleiman, over forgery the last elections in Anbar province, proves committing a crime and a big evidence to convict him.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “The confession is an evidence of committing the crime and if the confession is by the doer himself, if will be considered as a big evidence to convict him.”

“We are afflicted with some people who speak out of morals and law and have no honesty where such statements violate the law and constitution,” he added.

“The official must be accurate in his statements because it has an affect against him,” he concluded.

Earlier, Suleiman, in one of the interviews, stated that he has forgery the last elections, assuring that “He ordered his followers who supervise the elections process to vote for him after the suspension of the citizens of Anbar province from attending the elections.”