Friday, September 20, 2024


Hakim urges his followers to be alert in facing challenges of next stage

 Hakim urges his followers to be alert in facing challenges of next stage

Hakim urges his followers to be alert in facing challenges of next stage

Baghdad ( The Head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council, Ammar al-Hakim, called “His followers to be ready and vigilant that the democratic national project is at risk.”

Hakim said during the Sermon of Eid al-Fitr “The coming days will be more serious than ever and our duty is to be alert and aware since the strength of our nation stems from your strength and your strength comes from your efforts and understanding to the circumstances.”

“We have to preserve the State’s project and this is cannot be achieved but by our solidarity and unity and we cannot face the challenges of the next phase unless we keep cohesion and synergy among the Iraqi people and among the political forces,” he added.

Hakim renewed “His support to the Reforms proposal adopted by the Iraqi National Alliance and sponsored by the President, Jalal Talabani.”

He expressed “His hope to see intensive political movement among the political leaders to present decisive settlements for the current crisis.”

Concerning the regional developments Hakim cited “Our region heads towards the unknown and the conflicts turned from being people strife into international wills each for its interests in this vital region.”

“The Iraqi people proved in the Jerusalem Day that they continue in defending the Palestinian issue,” Hakim stressed.