Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP describes KSA practices as Hostile policy against Iraq

 MP describes KSA practices as Hostile policy against Iraq

MP describes KSA practices as "Hostile policy against Iraq"

Baghdad ( MP, Udai Awad, of the Ahrar bloc within the Sadrist Trend, also member in the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee announced that “The continuity of the crisis between Iraq and Saudi Arabia over the subject of the Iraqi oil pipeline passing through the Saudi territories,” attributing the cause og the crisis to “The hostile policy adopted by KSA towards Iraq.”

“KSA justified its behavior by the failure to resolve the pending issues between Iraq and Kuwait,” he confirmed.

Awad stated to “The reason of the dispute with Saudi Arabia Kingdom is the attempt of KSA to seize the Iraqi oil pipeline passing along the Saudi territories,” noting that “The pipeline was constructed by Iraqi funds and it was established according to political agreements with the Kingdom but after the fall of the former regime we were surprised that KSA seeks to control on this pipe.”

He accused “Saudi Arabia of attempting to practice terrorism against Iraq and fight against Iraq politically, economically and socially for sectarian reasons.”

Earlier, a source in the Iraqi Government pointed out that “The oil pipeline built by Iraq in the Saudi lands cost $ 2 billon with export capacity amounts of 1,600000 barrels per day.”