Friday, September 27, 2024


Iraq to stop trade with Turkey over suspending water from it

 Iraq to stop trade with Turkey over suspending water from it

Iraq to stop trade with Turkey over suspending water from it

Baghdad ( The Trade minister, Khair Allah Babakir Zibari, threatened to stop all the commercial deals with Turkey due to the latter stance over suspending the Iraqi allocation of water.

A statement by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan quoted Zibari, as saying “The Trade Ministry will stop all its deals with Turkey if it insisted on preventing Iraq from getting its water allocation from Tigris and Euphrates rivers,” assuring that “The same stance was taken with Iran where we refused to sign the economical and commercial exchange deal unless Iraq settle the issue of al-Wind river.”

“Iran has build a big dam that prevent the passage of the water to Dokan lack in Sara Rasht area where it will result in big environmental affects and dries the lake up,” he added, stressing that “The Ministry will push Iran and Turkey to grant Iran its water allocations to stop the disaster of dryness.”

He shows surprise over the “Legislative and governmental silence over the policy of the neighboring countries,” assuring that “We will never sign any economical and commercial pacts while this policy if followed.