Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP supports UN role in drafting oil, gas law draft

 MP supports UN role in drafting oil, gas law draft

MP supports UN role in drafting oil, gas law draft

Baghdad ( Member of the Legal Parliamentary Committee, Latif Mustafa, expressed his support for the participation of the UN in drafting the Oil and Gas law draft to end the disputes over this issue among the blocs.

MP Mustafa stated to Iraqi News ( “There is no harm if the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) assisted in providing consultancy to setting regulations to organize the natural resources in a similar way to the case of its assistance in selecting the members of the Independent High Electoral Commission.”

“I think the Oil and Gas law draft is very important and causes many disputes especially between the Central Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government since both hopes to impose its will on the draft, so I think the UNAMI’s participation is necessary here through professionalism and neutralism to draft this law,” MP Mustafa concluded.

Some MPs have reported about a US role to involve the UNAMI in drafting the Oil and Gas law draft to end the disputes over this law.